INDIRA GANDHI RASHTRIYA URAN AKADEMI, Fursatganj Airfield, Raebareli 22302 (U.P) (Under Ministry of Civil Aviation) offers CPL Course to get your Commercial pilot’s Licence with twin engine (Turbo Prop) endorsement and Instrument Rating at IGRUA and the future is yours with the National carries or Air Taxi Operators.
Selected candidates are trained by experienced instructors using the most modern training aids like CBT . Flying training is imparted on TB-20 single engine and King Air C-90-A twin engine turbo prop aircraft equipped with modern avionics/instruments like FMS, RNAV,VOR,NDB, Weather Radar ,ILS, Flight Director and Auto pilots . Though training is given on Simulator of King Air C-90-A with 4 axis motion and visual system , TB-20 cockpit procedure trainer and C-90-A touch panel trainer.
Eligibility : Minimum examination 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics . (Non science students who started flying before January 1,are eligible). Should have a current Indian PPL and having flying experience of at least 60 hours, including 30 hours solo, in the last 3 year. No age limit.
Selection: An entrance examination is held at the Akademi in Aviation subjects(PPL standard ) and Intelligence during April. Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by a board during April . Selection is on merit based on performance in both the written test and interview.
Course Commencement: June. First installment is payable on joining Candidate of students not joining within a week of the commencement of the course shall be cancelled.
Training Fee: (1) Rs. 3.00 Lacs with Single Engine Enforsement and I.R.(For SC/ST Rs. 1.50 Lacs ).
Duration: 12 month (2) Rs. 4.00 lacs with Multi Engine Enforsement & I.R. (For SC/ST Rs. 2.00 lacs ). Duration 18 months. (3) the fee shall be paid in four instalments in advance .(4) Boarding and lodging charges extra.
Scholarships: (1) Two full scholarships by Indian Airlines .(2) Two full scholarship by Air India.(3) Three full scholarship by IGRUA to SC/ST candidates .(4) Two scholarships to Girls students by Rajiv Gandhi Foundation amounting to 75% of training fee. (5) Scholarship by JRD TATA Trust amounting not less than Rs. One lac may be available.
Applications: Eligible candidates have to apply on plain paper enclosing attested photocopies and one self addressed envelop of 25cm*10cms. Application alongwith a non-refundable Demand Draft for requisite charges in the name of the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi payable at any Nationalised Bank in Raebareli, must reach the Adademy by Registered Post by the specified date during March.
WOMBAT Pilot Aptitude Test: A unique opportunity avails at this Akademi to assess the aptitude Test is conducted on latest sophisticated computer based Australia WOMBAT equipment , the best in South Asia. No written test, no fuss. Print out on assessment will be provided immediately on completion of the test .
Duration: I working day.
Charges: Rs. 1000/- you have to apply on plain paper requesting for the test.
Application should be addressed to Director , Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Urban Akademi ,Fursatganj Airfield ,Raebareli 229302(U.P).
SCHOOL OF AVIATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , Delhi Flying Club Limited, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110003 offers
DELHI FLYING CLUB LTD., Safdarjung Airport,New Delhi 110003 offers (A) Part –Time Professional Courses : January .1.RT/R(Aero- Mobilesvc) six to eight weeks duration w.e.f. last week of Jan. 2. Radio Officer (Maritime Mobile Service) approx. 2 years duration 3. Associate Membership Exam. (Aerodynamics/Structural Mechanics /Avionics /Maintenance )final pass recognised at par with Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Approximately 3 years duration. Eligibility: Secondary School Certificate for(1) &(2) and Sr. School Certificate with Physics ,
Chemistry and Maths for(3) (B) Full time courses. 1 Mech. E. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering recognised by Govt. of India at par with 3 years Diploma . Approximately 3 years duration. Eligibility: Sr. Secondary School Certificate English, Physics, Maths and Chemistry . For details contact School of Aviation Science & Technology in December.
FACULTY OF FLIGHT SAFETY SERVICS ,Delhi Flying Club Ltd., Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110003(Ph. Flying Sec. & Club House-4618931,4518325 & Engineering Section 4618931 Telegram: Delflight) offers the following courses to 10+2 passed students:
Mumbai 400049
CIVIL AVIATION, Haryana, SCO No. 411-12, Sector-35, Chandigarh 160-036 offers Flying and Gliding Training in Haryana to domiciled 10+2 or equivalent examination passed boys and girls with physics and Mathematics in the age of 18-22 years. Scholarships and concessions are available to the Harayana Domiciled boys and girls and those belonging to reserved categories. Candidates should produce their latest Domicile certificates, which were obtained during the last three months, failing which Domicile certificates are not accepted. Those interested are called for interview.
Karnal Aviation Club, Kunjpura Road, Karnal (Haryana).
Hisar Aviation Club, Textile Road, Sirsa Bypass, Hisar.
Pinjore Aviation Club, Civil Aerodrome, Ambala 134102.
Application in the prescribed Performa is free of cost. For further details you may contact the Advisor, Civil Aviation, Harayana, SCO No. 411-12, Sector-35-C, Chandigarh 160036.
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