The Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act was enacted in 1959 to provide for compulsory notification of vacancies to the Employment Exchanges and for the rendition of returns relating to Employment situation by the employers. This act came into force with effect from 1st May, 1960.
All Establishments in Public Sector and such establishments in private Sector excluding Agriculture, where ordinarily 25 or more persons are employed come within the purview of the Act. These establishments are required to notify all vacancies (other than those exempted) to the appropriate Employment Exchange as notified in the official Gazette by the State Government in the prescribed format. This Act will not apply to vacancies in any employment in agriculture (including horticulture), domestic service, unskilled office work , employment connected with the staff of parliament, and if the total duration of the vacancies are less than three months.
The establishments are also required to render quarterly Employment return in Form ERI for every quarter ending 31st, March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December and biennial occupational return in Form ER-II once in two years viz., by Private Sector in odd years and by Public Sector in even years.
As per the provisions of this Act, persons authorized by the Government shall have access to any relevant records of the employer. They are also empowered to inspect or take copies of relevant records or document.
Penal provision of imposition of fine for any offence have been made for violation for various provisions of this act.
FORM ER-I(38.1 KB)
Note: Total of Col.4 under item 2 should correspond to the figure given against item-1.
*As published in the Gazette of India, Extra Ordinary pt.II Section 3 Sub-section (i) dated 26.4.1960.
**As Published in the Gazette of India, Part-II, Section sub-section (i) dated 6.3.63, 23.3.68, 4.12.76, 6.3.82, 2.2.85 and 27.7.87 under GSR-450, GSR-548, GSR-1718, GSR-133, GSR-236 and GSR-634 respectively.
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