Environment includes all the physical parts of the earth such as air, soil, minerals, rocks, water and all the organisms such as animals and plants living in it. Environmental Science provides an understanding of the environment , the impact of human life on it, and ways and means to preserve the delicate balance between various parts of the environment in the process of human development .
Since exciting and fulfilling avenues are opening up in this field, you may plan a carees in various areas related to environment. The subject of study include Ecology, Environmental Planning, Pollution Biology etc.
Educational Facilities
A good number of college and institution offer diploma degree and post-graduate courses in environmental science. If you are interested in taking up a career in this field, the academic programmes listed in Appendix A, may be of interest to you.
Employment Opportunities
On completion of your education in the field of environmental sciences, you may get jobs in the areas of teaching research and development, pollution control etc. Some of the possibilities have been discussed below:-
Those who have a post- Graduate degree in any field of Environmental Sciences and with a Doctoral work may take up the teaching profession as a lecturer in the pay scale of Rs. 2200-4000. They are supposed to take graduate or post-graduate classes of environmental related subjects such as air water quality management, environmental ecology, industrial waste treatment, environmental chemistry etc. They are also expected to guide students that are involved in environmental related research . Lecturers are also appointed in Research Institutes that impart education in this field. Promotional avenues are open to the posts of Associate Professor/Reader in the grade of Rs.3700-4500 and subsequently to the post of Professor.
Ecologists study environmental influences such as temperature, rainfall, altitude, kind and quality of food etc. and their effects on plant or animal growth and development. They run experimental farms or laboratories under natural and artificial conditions to watch effects of climatic conditions on crops, plants and animals.
The industries that deal with synthetic dyes, pesticides, metals, minerals, plastic dust or plastics etc. employ environmentalists to comply environmental control provisions in the plant. They are designated as Manager (Ecology), Environmental Planner etc.
One should be a graduate in Environmental Eng. or a post graduate in Environmental Science for these posts.
Engineers in this field develop and modify systems to keep the environment clean and safe for living. They plan, design renovate the systems to control pollution. Those who have a degree or post- graduate degree in Environmental Engineering or Industrial Engineering are eligible for the posts. They are appointed as Jr. Engineers or Engineer. Jobs are available in Pollution Control Units. Environmental Engineering Process Laboratories .Water and Sewage Treatment Plants Public Health Engineering Departments, Industries dealing with Environmental pollutants etc.
Scientists involved in toxicity testing and evaluation of industrial chemicals and products are supposed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of pollution control systems. They are involved in applied research in order to develop new concepts relevant to the Environment sector. They also promote research and development in the related areas such as Wild Life Science, Social Forestry etc. One should be a post-graduate with a doctoral degree in the concerned field for being eligible for the posts of Scientists
Research Officers/Project Officers/Consultants
Those who have academic excellence in the field of Environmental science may work as project officer, research officers or as consultants. They are concerned with educating masses and making them aware about natural environment. For the purpose they conduct training programme for teachers and other concerned persons. They are also employed to look after a specified research project relating to environmental issues. Highly qualified persons who work as consultants get very handsome salaries which are negotiable. Jobs are available in Research Institutes and Government Departments that deal with environmental problems. The private organisations that are concerned with these issues also employ these people.
Technicians/ Research Assistants
Technicians help Engineers and Scientists in their day to day working. Lab Assistants, for example, look after the equipments/chemicals in the laboratory. They perform testing of chemicals etc. as directed by their supervisors. They are also responsible for cleaning the apparatus. Research Assistants in this field collect, compile and analyse the scientific data pertaining to multidisciplinary aspects of environmental protection. One should have a M aster’s degree in any branch of Environmental Sciences or Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering. Those who have experience get preference.
Since the subject of environmental science is a multidisciplinary subject, jobs are available in several other fields also. These may be the jobs of Environmental planner in Housing and Town Planning Sectors, Foresters in Forestry Sector etc.
Employment Outlook
Today, there is considerable concern all over the world for preservation of the environmental balance and eco-systems control of pollution, preservation and regeneration of forest areas, afforestation of dennded lands, soil conservation measures . This aspect has now been receiving significant attention in India and is expected to be attached considerable importance in years to come. There is, therefore, scope for increased employment of personnel with qualification in environmental sciences both in the public as well as private sector.
Facilities for Environmental Education in India
S.No. Name of the Institution Courses offered Eligibility
1 2 3 4
2. Department of Botany, Nagarjuna M.Sc/M.Phil/Ph.D. in Plant and B.Sc./M.Sc.
University, Nagarjunanagar-522510 Vegetation Ecology; Weed Biology
2. Andhra University, Walatair, Andhra Diploma / Envir. MSc./B.E./B.Phar-
Pradesh. Science macy/M.B.B.S.
4. Sri Venkateshwara University, M.Tech-Environmental and Public
Tirupati, Andhar Pradesh Health Eng. M.Sc./M.Phil/Ph.D. in _____
Environmental Chemistry
1. Indian School of Mines, Bachelor of Engg.( Envir. ) B.Tech. in relevant
Dhanbad Bhir M.Tech. Environmental subject/Graduate
Science &Engg. Eng. Are also
1. Indian Institute of Ecology and Post-Graduate Diploma in Ecology , Bachelor’s Dgr.
Environmental Saidulajab, Saket, Maidan and Environmental.
Grahi Road, New Delhi-110030
2. School of Environmental Science M.Sc./M.Phil/P.D in Envi. ForM.Sc.-B.Sc
Jawahar Lal Nehru University Sciences. M.Phil-M.Sc.Ph.D
New Delhi-67. M.B.B.S.
3. School of Planing and Agri. I.P. Master’s Degree in Envir. B.Arch./B.E. Civil
Estae, New Delhi-110002 Planing M.A. (Admission
Is made through
Entrance Exam.)
4. Department of Environmental B.Sc/M.Sc. Environmental B.Sc. Life Science
Biology Univ.of Delhi,South Biology Environmental
Campus, Benito Juraez Rd.
New Delhi-110021
5. Center for Energy Studies, Indian Degree in Non- Conventional ___
Institute of Technology, N.Delhi. Energy.
1. Faculty of Science, University of M.Sc/Ph.D. in Terrestrial & Aquatic For B.Sc-10+2
Kashmir, Hazrat Bal ,Srinagar-190006, Ecology. (Science) For
Jammu & Kashmir M.Sc- B.Sc
Forestry For
Ph.D- M.Sc.
1. Mainpur University,Chanchi. B.Sc. Environmental Sciences ____
1. Punjab University,Sector-14, Under Graduation Ecology B.SC.B.A.
Chandigarh. B.Com.B.E.
Earth Science.
2. Punjabi University ,Patiala, Post-Graduation Ecological ____
Punjab Genetics.
3. Environmental Engg. M.E. Civil Environmental B.E. Degree
Centre, Thapar Inst. In Agri. Eng.
Of Engg. & Technology Chemical Eng.
Patiala Punjab.
1. University of Jodhpur, Post-Graduate in Environmental ____
Jodhpur-342001 Biology & Plant Ecology.
1. North-Eastern Hill Univ. Lower B.Sc. Environmental Sciences B.Sc.
Lach Aumuere. Shillong, Meghalaya
1. Salim Ali School of Ecology, M.Sc. M.Phil/Ph.D. in Ecology B.Sc.
Pond cherry Central University B.Com. B.E
Kalapet Pondicherry-605014 M.Sc.Life
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