Vocational guidance became an integral part of National Employment Service after Shiva Rao Committee’s recommendations.
Vocational Guidance means assistance given to an individual in solving problems related to career planning and educational and vocational studies keeping in mind the interest, aptitude, capability, financial background of the family and latest manpower market situation alongwith shortage and surplus categories of occupations. These services are provided to the students at the school , college and university level and to parents and guardians also. Information is provided through post also. For detailed counselling individual guidance and group guidance activities are organized in the employment exchanges. The services can be summed up by saying that collection compilation and dissemination of information is the motto of educational and vocational programme.
I) Collection & compilation of information regarding
· Courses available, subjects offered, duration of the courses, scholarships offered etc. in various educational institutions.
· Training facilities available in the country and their admission processes etc.
· Job avenues open after doing such courses etc.
· Information on job profiles including its requirements, nature of job, hours of work and the promotional ladder etc.
Above information is collected by addressing the institutes by post or in person and contacting the prospective employers where jobs are possibly held. Other sources of information are newspapers, radio, television, advertisements, and internet. The information is filed in a particular organized manner which is then imparted to the students and job seekers.
II) Dissemination of Information
Information thus collected and filed is then disseminated to students, teachers and parents. Such information is imparted through following mediums:
· Individual Guidance is provided by the employment officer to those who come to the exchange for any kind of educational and vocational guidance.
· Group Guidance is given by the employment officer to those candidates who visit the exchange to avail any of services being provided by the exchange. Preferably homogenous groups are formed to make the group guidance most purposeful.
· Career Talks are given by the vocational guidance officer to students regarding various educational courses and vocational opportunities. Some times the topic also comes from the institutes as per their specific need and demand. Educational institutes in rural areas are covered on priority because they need information and guidance more than the students in urban areas.
· Career Conference: Such conferences are held in educational institutions or common place where experts and employment officers deliver lectures on general and specified fields of employment. Interaction sessions are held thereafter to answer the queries of students or applicants. Where the need be N.G.Os and other Departments are also involved in these programmes to spread the message at the grass- root level
· Career Exhibitions: are arranged by the exchanges where information on educational and vocational courses is depicted through use of audio-visual aids. Such career conferences and exhibitions are well publicised and advertised so that maximum benefit is drawn by the public.
· Career Literature: Career literature is prepared or translated into regional language so that students and parents from rural areas can follow it well and take advantage of it. The literature so prepared is distributed to all high and senior secondary schools, colleges and other libraries free of cost.
Self Employment
The Department of Employment does not have any self-employment scheme . Department collects compiles and disseminates information of various self-employment schemes of other departments of the State and encourages unemployed youth as well as students of ITIs and Polytechnics for adopting self- employment as a way of life by the following manners:-
· Identifying and motivating prospective entrepreneurs from its live register to adopt self-employment as a mode of self-sufficiency.
· Organizing self-employment camps, mela's, as well as seminars, conferences and exhibitions for students, applicants and public in general where information about various schemes on self- employment is provided.
. Applications of willing applicants are forwarded to the concerned departments.
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